EVAPORATOR CLEANER FOAM is a foam purifying treatment to clean the air distribution duct of the air conditioner, incorporating and expelling all contaminating particles that can affect the quality of the air itself. Its foam structure, which increases in volume once inserted in the unit to be treated, left to act for 5 minutes, allows to reach and remove even the dirtiest areas difficult to reach. Thanks to its long cannula, the operator can deeply purify the system, ensuring the best distribution of the product ever.
EVAPORATOR CLEANER FOAM removes dust, dirt, allergens and micro-organisms that can affect the air quality, create unpleasant smells and allergic reactions. It removes unpleaseant smells leaving a pleasant fragrance of cleanliness.
For deeper cleaning we recommend the sequenced use of EVAPORATOR CLEANER FOAM and EVAPORATOR CLEANER (liquid purifying cleaner in aerosol can). The combined application of both will facilitate the flow of the foam towards the condensate drain ensuring its perfect cleaning and reducing the drying time of the treated unit.
EVAPORATOR CLEANER is suitable for the HACCP plan, therefore it can be used in environments with food presence.
We suggest the use in combination with INTERIOR PURIFIER, which is a purifying treatment for interiors that operates out of the system. This product completes the cleansing action of the room.